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Off-Road Triathlon African Championships

Sun 16 Oct 2016 @ Ferney, South East Mauritius, Other
Multi Sport
Ferney, South East Mauritius, Other
African Championships
FMTRI Mauritian Triathlon Federation
Race Details
Elite Olympic Male - Triathlon 08:00 Pre Entry MUR 1050.00
Pre Entry MUR 1575.00
Pre Entry EUR 25.00
Pre Entry EUR 38.00
Age Group Olympic Male - Triathlon 08:00 Pre Entry MUR 2100.00
Pre Entry MUR 2625.00
Pre Entry EUR 51.00
Pre Entry EUR 64.00
Age Group Olympic Female - Triathlon 08:00 Pre Entry MUR 2100.00
Pre Entry MUR 2625.00
Pre Entry EUR 51.00
Pre Entry EUR 64.00
Age Group Sprint Male - Triathlon 08:00 Pre Entry MUR 1225.00
Pre Entry MUR 1750.00
Pre Entry EUR 30.00
Pre Entry EUR 43.00
Age Group Sprint Female - Triathlon 08:00 Pre Entry MUR 1225.00
Pre Entry MUR 1750.00
Pre Entry EUR 30.00
Pre Entry EUR 43.00
Elite Olympic Female - Triathlon 08:00 Pre Entry MUR 1050.00
Pre Entry MUR 1575.00
Pre Entry EUR 25.00
Pre Entry EUR 38.00
Age Group Olympic RELAY - Triathlon 08:00 Pre Entry MUR 4200.00
Pre Entry MUR 4725.00
Pre Entry EUR 102.00
Pre Entry EUR 115.00
Age Group Sprint RELAY - Triathlon 08:00 Pre Entry MUR 2450.00
Pre Entry MUR 2800.00
Pre Entry EUR 90.00
Pre Entry EUR 103.00




Start Time

EARLY BIRD (08/06 - 30/09) PRICE

PRICE (01/10 – 10/10)





Elite Olympic MALE


Rs 1,050


Rs 1,575


Elite Olympic FEMALE

Rs 1,050


Rs 1,575


Age Group Olympic Male

Rs 2,100


Rs 2,625


Age Group Olympic Female

Rs 2,100


Rs 2,625


Age Group Olympic RELAY

Rs 4,200

EURO 102

Rs 4,725

EURO 115

Age Group Sprint Male

Rs 1,225


Rs 1,750


Age Group Sprint Female

Rs 1,225


Rs 1,750


Age Group Sprint RELAY

Rs 2,450


Rs 2,800


Definitions of each category:
1. Individual Elite athletes (Members of a sporting affiliation or federation racing for points)
2. Age Group athletes (Amateur athletes of a minimum age 16yrs who participate at competitive level for personal fitness) 
3. Relay teams (Groups of athletes who complete a multiple sporting event by each individual taking part in 1 activity to complete a course.) 

DISTANCES - Available Combinations:













There are places where you feel very small...and fascinated by the extraordinary wonders of nature. 
La Vallée de Ferney is one of those places, where you can leave your secrets and keep them nestled in nature for others to discover.

This unique location offers an unforgettable experience deep inside one of the last natural sanctuaries of Mauritius. You can expect to see deer and endemic bird species such as the Mauritian Kestrel, the Eco Parakeet and the Paille en Queue. La Vallee de Ferney also counts more than 10 different species of endemic plants, the ‘patrimoine’ of the authentic Mauritius. We invite you to come and test your physical and mental strength with us as you discover this truly amazing landscape.

SBR Events, in collaboration with the Mauritian Triathlon Federation and Ciel Group have the pleasure to bring to you the African Cross Triathlon Championships held on the 16th of October 2016. Join us and discover the beauty that Mauritius has to offer while taking on a technical and challenging course that will leave you breathless.

On the 12th, 13th and 14th October, SBR events will be hosting a series of course recognition sessions that will cover the swim, bike and run sections prior to race day. Should athletes require more time on the course, we will facilitate access to site upon request.

Il existe des endroits où l’on se sent tout petit... fasciné par les merveilles de la nature. 
La Vallée de Ferney est l’un de ces endroits, où vous pouvez vous sentir en communion avec votre environnement et vous retrouver.

Cet emplacement unique offre une expérience inoubliable au sein de l’une des dernières réserves naturelles de Maurice. Vous pouvez vous attendre à voir des cerfs et des oiseaux endémiques tels que la crécerelle mauricienne, le gros cateau vert et le fameux paille-en-queue. La Vallée de Ferney compte également plus de 10 espèces différentes de plantes indigènes, considérées comme faisant partie du « patrimoine » authentique de Maurice. Nous vous invitons à nous y rejoindre et à tester votre endurance physique et mentale tout en découvrant des paysages sublimes.

SBR Events, en collaboration avec la Fédération mauricienne de triathlon et Ciel Group, a le plaisir de vous permettre de participer aux championnats d’Afrique de cross-triathlon le 16 octobre 2016. Venez découvrir avec nous la beauté de Maurice tout en prenant part à une course technique à vous couper le souffle.

SBR Events organise au préalable les 12, 13 et 14 octobre une série de sessions de reconnaissance du parcours en commençant par la natation, puis en enchaînant avec le vélo et en terminant par la course à pied. À la demande des athlètes qui ont besoin de plus de temps sur le parcours, nous leur fournirons l’accès nécessaire au site.

The overall layout of this trail triathlon course has been carefully designed to maximize on the visibility of the athletes while keeping the competition fair for all levels. We have made sure that each participant will have the chance to take in the atmosphere of the event by creating a funnel effect for each transition. Whether you are in a relay or going solo, each leg will make you feel like you have covered a milestone during the competition. 

L’ensemble du parcours de ce triathlon a été soigneusement conçu pour maximiser la visibilité des athlètes tout en favorisant une compétition juste à tous les niveaux. Nous avons fait en sorte que chaque participant ait la possibilité de s’imprégner de l’ambiance de l’événement en étant canalisé comme il faut à chaque transition. Que vous participiez en relais ou en solo, vos muscles vous feront sentir que vous avez bien couvert une étape de la compétition. 

1. Swim departure and arrival arch 
2. Transition to Bike departure and arrival + Run departure 
3. Finish line main stage arch.

SWIM details
For all athletes taking part in the SPRINT distance, the swim will be a direct dash to the finish. If you are swimming the Olympic distance, there will be a 350m loop into the first section back to the start area before heading straight up the river mouth to the bike transition. Swimmers will exit the water to the transition area or batten pass depending on which category they are in. Duration of the swim is estimated at 20min for the first arrivals. The total time limit of 1hr 15min will be allocated for the cut off time. Swimmers can expect a small downstream current as they reach the top section of the river mouth about 300m before the transition exit.

Tous les athlètes qui participent au SPRINT devront se ruer directement vers l’arrivée. Si vous nagez la distance olympique, vous aurez à parcourir une boucle de 350 m durant la première partie pour ensuite revenir vers la zone de départ avant de reprendre directement vers le haut de l’embouchure jusqu’à la transition pour le vélo. Les nageurs sortiront de l’eau vers la zone de transition ou passeront le relai selon la catégorie dans laquelle ils participent. La durée de la nage est estimée à 20 min pour les premiers arrivants. Le maximum de temps alloué sera de 1 h 15. Les nageurs pourront profiter d’un petit courant descendant lorsqu’ils atteindront la partie supérieure de l’embouchure à environ 300 m avant la sortie pour la transition.

BIKE details
The Bike leg will start with a fast open track on dirt and gravel road for the first 1.5km leading into the first section of the trail. From then on, the course will take you through a series of sugar cane fields and small forests before heading into the valley in what will be a technical and mostly uphill section for the next 5km. There will be short steep sections before leveling out for another 6km of mainly flat trails through grassy and rocky patches before heading back down the valley. At the 10km point, there will be a water and food station as well as a spectacular view from the highest point of the course. The tracks leading back to the second transition are mainly grass and gravel with some technical downhill sections leading into the sugar cane fields. For athletes taking part in the Sprint, it will be one loop and for the Olympic distance, the athletes will then go through the transition area and back out for the second loop to complete the 40km.

Détails VÉLO
La course de vélo commencera avec une piste ouverte rapide sur un chemin de terre et de gravier durant 1,5 km jusqu’à la première partie de la piste. À partir de là, le parcours vous mènera à travers une série de champs de cannes à sucre et de petites forêts avant de vous diriger vers la vallée pour une partie beaucoup plus technique avec des montées sur les prochains 5 km. Vous y rencontrerez des parties en pente raide avant d’attaquer des sentiers surtout plats pour encore 6 km à travers des terrains gazonnés et rocailleux et ensuite redescendre dans la vallée. Vous trouverez un point de ravitaillement après 10 km ainsi qu’une vue spectaculaire depuis le point culminant du parcours. Les pistes menant vers la deuxième transition sont principalement herbeuses et caillouteuses avec quelques descentes techniques en pénétrant les champs de cannes à sucre. Pour les athlètes qui participent au sprint, ce sera une seule boucle. En revanche, pour la distance olympique, les athlètes devront traverser la zone de transition et faire une deuxième boucle en sens inverse pour compléter les 40 km.

RUN details
The run transition will take place over a 2 lap course of 5km taking you through various sections of open sugar cane fields and single tracks. A mostly flat course with some technical areas leading to the view point at 110m elevation.  

Détails COURSE
L’étape de la course à pied se fera sur un parcours de 2 tours de 5 km qui vous mènera à travers différentes parties de champs de cannes à sucre ouverts et des sentiers à passage unique. Un parcours essentiellement plat avec quelques zones techniques menant à un point de vue à 110 m d’altitude.

ADDITIONAL details: 
Race briefing and the distribution of race numbers and accessories will be held on location on 15th October. All athletes participating must be present to claim their number.   

Accommodation packages are available via our partners. For bookings and details contact us.

Transport will also be made available via the Federation, our hotel partners and SBR events.

Le briefing de la course et la distribution des numéros des coureurs ainsi que de leurs accessoires auront lieu sur place le 15 octobre. Tous les athlètes participants doivent être présents pour réclamer leur numéro.

Nos partenaires offrent des forfaits pour l’hébergement. Contactez-nous pour les réservations et les détails.

La Fédération, SBR Events et nos partenaires hôteliers fourniront également le transport.


By agreeing to these terms you are entering into this event at your own responsibility and are aware of the penalties and actions that can and may be taken against you in the event of a breach of the rules outlined.


HYDRATION: Although it is the racer’s responsibility to maintain adequate hydration, organizers will provide hydration stations on the bike and run legs that will be clearly marked in advance. 
COURSE CUTTING: Short-cutting and/or cutting trail is not permitted and will result in a direct disqualification. A participant is required to stay on the designated trail that is marked and or specified as the racecourse. It is the athlete’s responsibility to study the racecourse prior to the event. Poor course marking and low visibility will not be considered as an excuse for cutting course.
ASSISTANCE: Outside assistance is not permitted from another athlete competing in the same event. Individual athletes are not permitted to seek assistance from any person not competing in or associated with the same event. Relay teams are permitted to assist as a team in the event that the problem can be resolved on the course at the time of the incident. These include but are not limited to spectators, friends, family, support crew, photographers or police. Volunteers and event staff are allowed to assist but will be limited to a certain criteria and in certain designated areas. Items such as basic tools, tubes or any item that would be used to repair a faulty part or damaged bicycle or water, food, or first aid can be handled at the aid stations only. Changing bikes is not allowed under any circumstances. 
PROTESTING: Protests of any nature must be submitted within one hour of the finish time of the person lodging the protest. A protest will only be taken in consideration if it is submitted in writing and signed by the accuser. 
PENALTY BOX: Penalty action can be undertaken by marshals and will be determined by the severity of the infraction. The minimum penalty is 2 minutes. The maximum penalty is disqualification. A penalty can be deducted from the races time on overall result, or applicable on the course via a penalty box tent stationed at mid course.  
CUT OFF TIMES: Athletes have 7hrs to complete the full course. 
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: The use of electronic devices is not permitted during the race at any time. Devices that are permitted must be limited to tracking and time stop watches. Any such items that will distract attention or impede hearing will not be permitted under any circumstances. 
WITHDRAWAL: Competitors who are unable to complete the course during the race must report to the transition area or the nearest on course official and notify them  of their withdrawal.

PENALTIES: Competitors may only be sanctioned by race officials, although infringements may be reported to the official by marshals and other race personnel.
The following types of infringements can be imposed and may be issued or given at any time up to the announcement of the final results.
1. Verbal warning
2. Time penalty
3. Disqualification
The following penalties will be imposed for infringements and are not limited or bound by only those mentioned. Any such other infringement may be taken into consideration at the time of event. 
1. Interference with another competitor’s equipment in the transition area.
2. Threatening, abusive or insulting language
3. Breaching of road-traffic regulations
4. Dangerous conduct/riding
5. Failing to obey marshals, Event organizers and or the police
6. Public display of nudity
7. Outside assistance, unless otherwise permitted. 
8. Breach of conduct by parent/guardian/coach/accompanying adult
Any participant who fails to comply with the rules and regulations after receiving an initial warning or penalty will automatically be disqualified. 
1. Helmet violations 
2. Number violations 
3. Mounting your bike in the transition area

SWIMMING: A buoy must be taken as per the briefing instructions. Failure to pass a buoy in the correct direction will result in an assessed 2-minute penalty.
SWIM ASSISTANCE: Fins, swimming aids, snorkels are not permitted, however the use of eye goggles or a mask is compulsory.
SWIM STROKES: A participant may use any stroke during the course so as to reach the finishing zone. Backstroke is not permitted. 
SWIM CAPS:  Caps are compulsory and will be provided by the race organizers.  
CYCLING: Cyclo-cross bikes and road bikes are not allowed to be used at any time in the race. No drop handlebars and no aero bars are allowed. Wheels must conform to the standard mountain bike sizes. Please ask your local bike shop if you are unsure of the safety standards. Bar extensions on handlebars may not exceed 5”.

EQUIPMENT: If you experience equipment malfunction you must either notify an official or safely return your bike to the Bike/Run transition to be allowed to continue.
DRAFTING: Drafting is allowed.
Every competitor must ensure that his or her equipment is in a safe and roadworthy condition and conforms to the specifications laid down in the technical rules. Unsafe equipment will not be allowed to start the race.
Any part of the cycle course may be covered on foot only if the competitors either carry or push their own Bikes in a safe manner to transition or an aid station for repair purposes.
RACE NUMBERS: Bike numbers must be mounted on the handlebars facing forward. 
BIKE TRANSITION ZONE: Mounting bike zones are clearly marked. Any competitor who mounts their bike before the designated area will either have a penalty or disqualification. The transition zone is reserved for athletes only and there is no external assistance allowed within the defined transition area. 
RUN:  All athletes must ware their numbers on the front of the body. No such alterations to the number are permitted. Warnings for not having your number on the front of your body will be enforced and second offences will result in 2-minute penalty. 
RACE NUMBER:  The number must be clearly visible at all times and it is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure this to avoid any penalties. Using a race be
Please note that the entry limit for this race was exceeded
whilst you were busy trying to enter.
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