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Hug The Backyard Ultra Mauritius 2021 - The Race

Thu 26 Aug 2021 to Sun 29 Aug 2021 @ Falaise Rouge, Ferney, Grand Port
Trail Running
26/08/21 - 29/08/21
Falaise Rouge, Ferney, Grand Port
Tina Staub

Well Done to all those who participated!

Race Details ENTRY LIST
Race 15:00 Price effective from 19 Jul 2021 to 08 Aug 2021 ages from 18 to 65 MUR 3200.00

Other Information About Event

  • Race Information

    Backyard Ultra is a concept where a loop of 6.7km needs to be completed within 1 hour time.  The remaining time between the arrival time and the next hour is used to rest, eat, change etc as per runner requirements. For ex, if a runner completes a loop in 45 minutes, the latter gets 15 minutes for the rest time.

    There is a departure every next hour, that is if the race starts at 15pm, there is a departure at 16pm, 17pm and so on…

    Runners get disqualified if they do not complete the loop in less than 1 hour or if they do not show up in the next hour.

    The race goes on until there is only one runner. The latter is declared winner only if he/she has completed the last loop in less than 1 hour. This is the case provided that the 2nd runner, called The Assist, has not completed the last loop in less than 1 hour.

    Shall The Assist complete a loop in less than 1 hour and fail to show at the next hour departure, the last runner has to go complete the last loop in less than 1 hour to be declared winner.

    All other runners are DNF (Did Not Finish)

  • Sanitary Measure Protocol

    Runners shall set their own individual camps at a distance of 3 m from each other.

    Race organisation will attribute space numbers on marked spaces to avoid confusion.

  • Race Timing, Bibs, Camp Allocation & Number of Participants

    Bibs and specific numbers will be distributed to the Runners.

    A Clock will be displayed.

    Split loop times will be updated through a mobile application managed by the race timing provider to give temporary split times all over the race.

    Final results will be provided after race ends.

    Number of participants is restricted to 100 (All categories and mixed)

  • Medical

    A Medical Team will be available 24 / 7 during the race. Since there are 10 camps spread, a modus-operandi will be communicated soon on how to liaise with the Medical Team.

  • Runners Crew

    ONE crew member ONLY is allowed at any point of time during the race.

    Crew members can operate shifts.

    Crew member shift in a runner individual camp can only take place between any hour 05 minutes and any-hour 35 minutes. For ex Runner 1 crew changes between 23h05 and 23h35. This is because departure has been given at 23h and arrivals are expected anytime from 23h40 and to avoid grouping.

    Each Runner will have an individual timing sheet and Crew members will be asked to write down arrival time on each loop in hour- mins (for ex 23h47). This is a back-upin case the electronic timing system bugs.

    Crew members are responsible for assisting their runners during the short period of time the latter has between the loops.

    Crew members and runners are requested to have prior meetings and planning so that the experience goes on smoothly and avoid as much unknowns as possible during race day.

    Details of how Crew members can move in and out of race venue will be communicated soon

  • Race Venue Access & access to race

    Race venue and access is restricted only to race organisers, runners, crew members, race service providers & volunteers with a special access pass. Visitors and spectators will not be allowed in the Race Venue unless restrictions are waved by Authorities.

    Race details and updates will be provided on different social media platforms which will be communicated soon.

  • Pre-Registration Dates & Registration Dates

    Pre-Registration will be open from 01st July to 10th July.: Pre-Registration questions needs to be addressed for Race Organisation to proceed with selection.

    Selection Phase: From Pre-registrations a selection phase will take place from 12th July to 17th July provided that number of entrants exceeds 100.

    Registration Dates: Monday 19th July to Sunday 25th July.

    Selected runners will be sent a confirmation email on Monday 19th July and will need to confirm their participation by submitting the following no later than 25th July:

    A medical Certificate not older than 6 months prior to the race departure date, that is, no earlier than 26 February 2021. On the medical certificate the clear name and mobile number of the runner’s doctor is required.

    A final questionnaire will be sent with the confirmation email. Selected runners are requested to submit the same no later than 25th July.

    Indemnity Certificate signed.

    Full payment of non-refundable registration fees.

    Registration Fees: A non-refundable registration fee of Mur 3200 per participant

  • Waiting List

    Shall entrants exceed 100, a waiting list will be operated.

    Slots will be given to runners on waiting list shall selected runners fail to submit one of the above-mentioned in Registration Dates.

    Registered runners willing to cancel their participation can transfer their BIB to runners on the waiting list. An email to be sent to race organisers for the same. Email to be communicated soon.

  • Compulsory Runners Equipment List

    1. Waterproof Camps or Tents no bigger than 3mx 3m.

    2. Chair or long resting chair.

    3. Portable lighting for the individual camp.

    4. Running headlamps or any other type with spare batteries or 2nd lamp if battery is rechargeable via USB.

    5. Rain Waterproof Jacket.

    6. Minimum 300 ml of water during one loop in personal type of hydration system.

    7. Survival Blanket to be carried by runners from 8pm to 6am. From 6am to 8pm this can stay on Runner’s personal camp.

    8. 2 self-adhesive elastic bandages to be kept on runner’s personal camp.

    9. Personal medical kit to be kept on runner’s personal camp

  • Recommended Runners Equipment List

    1. Several shirts / t-shirts / clothing to change between loops.

    2. Warm Gloves / Caps useful at night times where drop in temperature mixed with fatigue can feel uncomfortable.

    3. Enough food reserve as per personal needs for the duration of the race as per personal targets.

    4. Sunglasses, day caps, sunscreen creams.

    5. Anti-chaffing products.

    6. Back up hydration system for eg. extra flasks

  • Restrictions during the race

    1. Runners are not allowed to have external pacers.

    2. Runners are not allowed to have aid at other Camps except for an emergency aid where the runner will not be allowed to continue the race.

    3. Running or Walking poles are not allowed.

    4. Runners can help each other on the track only.

    5. Runners arriving at their respective camps cannot provide assistance to other runners still running their loop.

  • Programme

    Provided 24 / 7 by the Race Organisation

    Water on each general camp.

    1 mobile toilet on each general camp.

    Medical Team.

    Race split timing system

    Hydroalcoholic gels.

    Transfer system for runners to gather on remaining camps while others abandon.

    During the race the number of runners will diminish consecutively. The Race organisation has planned to regroup runners accordingly by transporting them during the rest time to specific other camps. Their personal camps & needs transfer will be taken care of as well with the help of the crew member during the loop time.

    Further exact procedure will be communicated soon.

  • Sanitary Rules

    1. Runners must sanitise their hands on each arrival before accessing their camps.

    2. Crew members are to sanitise their hands (if not of the same family) prior and post the runner’s arrival and departure.  

    3. Crew members & volunteers must wear face masks at all time and respect social distancing with other crew members & volunteers while runners are on the loop.

  • Race Information

    1. We will hold your entry for 3 days, thereafter your pending payment will be cancelled if we do not  receive your proof of payment and the next person on the selection will be entered. 

    2. If you have instead decided to (or have already) paid via credit card for this entry/registration, please let us know and we will cancel your pending payment, when proof of payment has been sent. 

    3. We will be posting the final list of the selection on Monday 26th July, please watch out for you name, and  if it is not on the list for any reason please don’t hesitate to contact us for your query and we will look into it. 

    4. Your registration will be valid only after you have uploaded a full medical certificate no older than 6 months from the race departure date, that is, no older than 26 February. More information about the 

    5. Race setup times, Rules and Regulations will be sent in due course. 

  • Medical

    1. The Hug Backyard Ultra Medical Certificate can be downloaded and filled in by your Doctor and uploaded during the registration process.

    2. Only Rando Trail & Nature Medical Certificate  and the Hug Backyard Certificate are accepted.

    Medical Certificate


Hug The Backyard Ultra Mauritius 2021:  1st Qualifying Race for Big Dog Backyard Ultra World Team Championships 2022

Event Location
Please note that the entry limit for this race was exceeded
whilst you were busy trying to enter.
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